We ship free of charge from 150 Euro order value within Germany

J. J. Prüm variety and mega Bordeaux %Offers%

German white wines
German red wines
International sweet wines
Spirits Rarities
Port Wine Rarities

Bordeaux novelties in our shop

We have once again been able to purchase beautiful Bordeaux wines - in both the basic and higher price segments. As a result, we are also expanding our range with younger vintages. Great châteaux in the affordable range such as Lynch Bages, Château Talbot, Château Yon-Figeac, Château de Camensac, Château Lassègue, Château Ferriere, Château Bonalgue, Château Villemaurine and many more. Please also note the large formats of Château Yon-Figeac - a very special rarity. As always, you are dealing with mature wines - some of them several decades old - and correspondingly special. Bordeaux wines in particular are interesting when matured and where else can you buy such mature wines - in this variety - than from us! Wine Trader stands for rarities from all over the world. We were awarded the bronze medal by Wine Searcher for our large Bordeaux selection.

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