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New Bordeaux wines in the shop and great Fritz Haag Novelties

German white wines
German red wines
International sweet wines
Spirits Rarities
Port Wine Rarities

White Wine

White wines from around the world
White wines from around the world Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Silvaner. Through the influence of maturation, soils, regions and climate, each wine gets its own character! A very special variety can still be found in the Riesling grape. Especially matured Rieslings - as we have them again and again in our store, are really a delight. Also residual sweet wines, which you can find in the category sweet wines, are available in matured form and in a variety of grape varieties. We invite you to make a wine journey in our store and especially to discover matured wines!

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